We provide data recovery, backup and transfer for most types of computing devices. For extreme catastrophic situations, we work with some specialists in the field with clean rooms and specialized equipment. Their service rates would apply for any work performed by them. For example, DriveSavers in Marin County is one of the top data recovery clean room facilities in the USA, and while it can potentially be expensive for them to recover data, our Partner ID # DS30499 will provide a 10% discount off of what someone would pay if they just called them directly.
Our labor rate for data services is $99 per hour. Additionally, for our residential clients, we offer a discount of $10 per hour off our standard labor rate for Senior Citizens (65 & older) and for UC Davis students with a valid Student ID card.

These days, the amount of storage capacity being built into computers is growing at an ever increasing rate. Meanwhile, the cost is steadily falling. This is leading to people to collect an ever growing amount of documents, pictures, music, and videos. Crucial to preserving that data, is a good backup plan. We can help you set up a backup regimen that works into your schedule, so if a catastrophic system failure happens, you will only have lost a little time, but not your precious data and photos - you won't be left with just memories, bacause you'll have your data backed up for safe keeping.
Should something happen to your computer or hard drive and you don't happen to have a backup, we can perform data recovery to help you recover your important information. We can also move your data from one computer to another when you're upgrading your system or need data on multiple machines. Our cell phones also carry a lot of information these days. We can help you sync your phone and computer, and even setup online storage, so one set of data is accessible from multiple devices.

(non copy protected) video and music,
from VHS, audio cassette, or other
meduim, and transferring it to CD,
DVD, or storage device. Our hourly
rates apply, plus $22.00 for each 1st
original DVD of a project, and $6.00 for
additional copies of that same DVD; or $16.00 for each 1st original CD of a project, and $5.00 for additional copies of that same CD.
If you require emergency data recovery or transfer on short notice, please be aware that, while we can accommodate you in most cases, there may be an additional charge, as we most likely would be delaying work for another client in order to cover your emergency. Thanks for understanding.

Remember, when they ask you who helped you with ANY of your computer needs... just tell them "My Brother Steve did!"
Now YOU have a brother in the computer business! ™